The 11th (Cambridge) Battalion, Suffolk Regiment (The Cambs Suffolks)

Information about the Cambs Suffolks (1914 -19)

My Research Notes from the 1990s

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Here
Honours List -Here
Abridged Chronology - Here
The First Three Months - Here
Pre-1st July 1916 Casualty List - Here
1st July 1916 - The Story - Here
Killed in Action or Died of Wounds - Here
War Diary Extracts - April 1917 - Here
Orders for Roeux Attack - 28th April 1917 - Here
Defensive Action on The Lys 1918 - Here
Officers Roll - Here
Full Casualty Roll - Here

Clearly, there are many other sources of information available, including the 34th Divisional History which includes extracts from various unpublished primary sources. The Battalion War Diary is downloadable from the National Archives portal and there are numerous online and offline secondary sources. 

The only published biography from a Cambs Suffolks soldier is 'Hell on Earth' by Haydn Hornsey (Chapman & Hall, 1930). The book covers the role played by the Battalion during the Kaiser's Spring Offensive in 1918. This surprisingly candid 'warts and all' account is a fascinating read. Interestingly the German translation was particularly popular as an educational resource during the 1930s in Germany.

There are, of course, many other other great sources of information including Great War Huts who have an original Cambs Suffolks hut, The Suffolk Regiment Museum, Ely Museum who have the Regimental Colours and the Cambridgeshire Archives.