Have just returned from a walking holiday in Jersey. Early April is a lovely time of year to visit the island. Few tourists, spring flowers and cheap prices. My wife and I walked most of the cliff tops on the North coast. As usual I had a secret agenda.......Festung Jersey! The Channel Islands were occupied by the Germans through WW2 and Hitler ordered Jersey, Guernsey, Stark and Alderney to be fortified. 20% of Todt's Atlantic Wall budget was originally earmarked for the islands. The evidence is everywhere. The pictures above show: (1) A panel from the Occupation Tapestry at St Helier (2) A range finder at the Lothringen Battery, Noirmont Point and (3) One of the four gun emplacements at the Moltke Battery, Les Landes. [The Moltke gun 1s a 15.5cm French piece. After the war tons of material was thrown off the cliff at Rouge Nez by the Royal Engineers. Recently, a group of local enthusiasts have recovered and restored a number of artifacts].